COVID-19 Resources
On June 30, 2020, Governor Gretchen Whitmer and others created MI Safe Schools: Michigan's 2020-2021 Return to School Roadmap regarding proposals to the return to school in the fall. These prolonged closures of schools and other gathering places (that are not based on "essential" needs) are an effort to help prevent further spread of the COVID-19 virus. Please continue to visit our page for additional updates and COVID-19 library of resources for parents and educators. In addition, please visit our Training Resource Center for helpful resources related to providing supports and services while schools are engaged in online education.
In light of ever-changing information and guidance, MASP is continually working to provide the most current information and resources. In addition to keeping updated on legislative action and providing COVID-19 resources, MASP has been actively communicating with members and educators across the state to assess and address needs. Below, please find communications pertaining to MASP responsive efforts.
Special Education and Virtual Assessment Concerns:
Throughout this time, concerns and questions regarding remote assessments have been raised by constituents and school administrators. As a result of concern, MASP has sent a letter to the Michigan Department of Education regarding special education testing and virtual assessment. This letter has been further shared with other state organizations and the Governor.
There is a limited body of research regarding issues surrounding assessment during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic; however, two recent articles by Farmer and colleagues have been produced to help guide practice:
- Conducting Psychoeduational Assessments During the COVID-19 Crisis: the Danger of Good Intentions (Farmer et al., 2020).
- Teleassessment with Children and Adolescents During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic and Beyond: Practice and Policy Implications (Pre-Print; Farmer et al., 2020).
Resources for Talking to Kids:School Psychologist COVID-19 Role and Function:
MASP continuously works to advocate for best practices in school psychology service delivery, including utilization of the NASP Practice Model. Given the nature of the remote needs of schools and communities, concerns and questions have been raised regarding how school psychologists can best serve schools and families. In response, MASP has created a guidance document for a COVID-19 Response Model of Practice. This guidance document is encouraged to be shared with administrators and school personnel to help provide information on the ways school psychologists can support students, families, and educators during this unprecedented time.
In addition, on June 22, 2020, the MASP board adopted its Return to School Guidance Document. This guidance document utilizes the COVID-19 Response Model of Practice and its applicability in planning for re-entry to school this upcoming fall. Further, this document should be considered a tool for both guidance and advocacy in the role and function of school psychologists.
About COVID-19:
About Stigma and Racism with COVID-19:
Safety and Hygiene Related to COVID-19:
About Grief & Loss Related to COVID-19:
Children with Autism:
Wellness During COVID-19:
Resources for School Psychologists
Provisions of Teleservices:
Virtual Classroom Supports for Students with Varying Needs
Resources for Adult Self-Care:
Mental Health and Coping:
Working from Home & Social Distancing (Physical Distancing):
Burnout & Compassion Fatigue:
Resources for Parents:
Resources for School Psychology Graduate Students (and Information/Resources for School Psychologists to Explore):
School psychology graduate students, including practicum and internship students, should continue to speak with their respective program directors and/or university-based supervisors on how to accomplish hours outside of traditional on-site, face-to-face time during closures and other related needs, in order to be consistent with MASP and NASP standards. If you are a field-based supervisor for practicum or internship students, please encourage students to have ongoing communication with their respective training program.
To help with accruing hours, here are some resources that have been developed by faculty across the county and state:
COVID-19 Resources for Schools:
Information Regarding Service Delivery for Students with Disabilities: