Professional Standards
In Michigan, all university training programs are NASP approved, which follows a comprehensive practice model. MASP supports the NASP practice model, that fully encompasses the modern role of the school psychologist beyond the traditional "test and place" type role. The 10 NASP practice model domains inform our role and practice. In 2020, NASP updated the practice model, which demonstrates our all-encompassing skills; see the graphic model below:
Ethical & Legal Considerations
School Psychologists, as part of practice, follow legal and ethical guidelines. School psychologists are highly familiar with and abide by special education law, and practice under the guise of ethics from the American Psychological Association (APA) and NASP. The NASP professional ethics and the American Psychological Association (APA) code ethics are foundational for school psychology practice.
Resolving Ethical Concerns and Professional Conflicts through a Restorative Lens:
MASP Informal Guidance
Over recent years, cases have come to the attention of the Board that indicate a need for preventative self-reflection in our professional interpersonal problem solving processes, which is related to- but different than, formal ethical problem solving models and the filing of formal grievances. In response, the MASP Board has adopted the informal guidance that can be found here. The goal was to develop guidance that encourages an examination of our own motivations and possible prejudices in hopes of a kinder, more interactive, preventive, and restorative approach to interpersonal problem-solving, affording more opportunity for informal resolution through better communication and consideration of perspectives before issues are escalated. It encourages a step-back examination of the situation and more care and concern for the welfare of all involved and an eye toward genuine learning, resolution, and restoration.
MASP Procedures for Examining Complaints of Alleged Ethical Violations
In 2022, the MASP board created updated Procedures for Examining Complaints of Alleged Ethical Violations, which can be found here. After all procedures have been followed, when a complaint is determined necessary to be filed, please use this form. For further questions, reach out to our Professional Standards Chair, Dr. Cheryl Somers, and co-chair, Sara England.