Any questions or concerns regarding webinars and conference events can be addressed to Hannah Barraw, MASP Conference Chair, at 

Upcoming Events

    • 11/18/2021
    • 2:00 PM
    • 10/18/2030
    • 3:00 PM
    • A Zoom link will be provided after registration
    • 468

    Previously Recorded: School Psychology: A Career that Makes a Difference

    Live-streamed November 18th, 2021

    By: Janna Aupperlee, Tracy Hobbs, Michele Millhouse

    Joe Sbar, and Shelbie Spear

    Free for all

    No SCECHs are available for this offering

    This event is intended for undergraduate students

    SESSION DESCRIPTION: Do you enjoy helping children with academic, emotional, and social skill concerns?  Do you like to collaborate with others to promote positive outcomes for students?  If so, the field of School Psychology may be an exciting career opportunity for you.  The Michigan Association of School Psychologists (MASP) is hosting a School Psychology webinar.  This will provide an overview of the field of School Psychology with professors from the field and School Psychologists who have worked in a variety of settings.  The webinar will also include a discussion panel with the Michigan School Psychologist of the Year and a School Psychology graduate student.  

    About the presenters:

    Jana Aupperlee:

    Jana is a Nationally Certified School Psychologist, a Licensed Psychologist in Michigan, and a Health Service Psychologist. She is Coordinator of the EdS Program in School Psychology at Michigan State University and the Training Co-Director of the Mid-Michigan Psychology Internship Consortium. She teaches a variety of school and practice-based courses and collaborates with local school psychologists in the supervision of practicum students.

    Tracy Hobbs, NCSP:

    Tracy has been a school psychologist for 42 years and currently serves as MASP's Membership Chair; he also serves on the NASP Board of Directors as the Strategic Liaison for Professional Development. Tracy spent the first 30 years of his career employed by the Lake Orion Community Schools, and since "retiring" in 2010, has provided long-term substitute services for several school districts across the state. Tracy lives in Lake Ann and most recently worked for the Traverse Bay Area Intermediate School District.

    Michele Millhouse: 

    Michele has worked as a school psychologist for seventeen years in the urban, suburban, and rural setting across all grade levels in two states (Michigan and Pennsylvania).  Michele earned an Ed.S. from Lehigh University and a B.S. in Special Education from Kent State University.  In addition to her work as a school psychologist, Michele has served as the MASP School Psychologist Shortage Committee Chair and has held the position of Region 13 Directors for the past two years.  Michele has participated in committees through the Michigan Department of Education related to supporting parents of children with special needs, diversity/equity in education, and mental health services during COVID-19.  Further, Michele participated in the creation of the Michigan Department of Education Return to School Mental Health Toolkit to support educators, students, and parents during COVID-19.  She also has served as a member of the School Based Mental Health Committee. This organization consists of board members from the Michigan School Counselor Association, the Michigan Association of School Psychologists, and the Michigan Association of School Social Workers.  As a board member of MASP Michele has assisted lawmakers in Michigan in legislation related to suicide prevention, threat assessment and the provision/expansion of mental health support in our state. 

    Joe Sbar:

    Joe Sbar is currently a school psychologist with the Eastern Upper Peninsula Intermediate School District in Sault Ste. Marie and throughout his career, has served as a clear example of service to children, families, schools, and the profession as both a practitioner and an advocate. His leadership has been evident through his work implementing multitiered system of supports (MTSS) through his participation as a member of the ISD-Level Regional MTSS Implementation Team and the Joseph K. Lumsden Anishnabe PSA District MTSS Implementation Team. Joe has provided leadership in the area of crisis response as the Lead Organizer of Eastern Upper Peninsula PREPaRE Crisis Response Team. Joe has also worked to address the critical shortage of school psychologists in Michigan by developing and providing presentations to undergraduate students to recruit future school psychologists to the field as well as by serving as a highly effective supervisor to school psychology interns.

    Shelbie Spear:

    Shelbie is a second year student in the Doctoral Program in School Psychology at Michigan State University. Shelbie’s current research centers teacher implementation of evidence-based practices for working with refugee youth and refugee youth’s perspectives on their experiences in schools and community-based programs. She received the Summer Research Development Fellowship in 2021 to pursue these interests. Shelbie currently serves on the Student Editorial Board for School Psychology Review, is the president of the Michigan State University chapter of the Student Affiliates in School Psychology, and is the co-chair of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee within the School Psychology program.

    • 10/12/2023
    • 1:00 PM
    • 10/24/2030
    • A recording link will be provided after registration
    • 464

    Previously Recorded: 

    **Career Counselor Webinar**

    School Psychology: A Career that Makes a Difference

    Live-streaming October 12th, 2023 1:00 p.m.- 2:00 p.m.

    Jana Aupperlee, Tracy Hobbs, and Michele Millhouse


    The field of school psychology is an exciting and rewarding career that has been consistently voted one of the top social science professions by U.S. News and World Reports. The Michigan Association of School Psychologists is excited to host a webinar for college career counselors about the field of school psychology. This webinar will provide an overview of the field of school psychology with professors from the field and school psychologists who have worked in a variety of settings. It will also include information regarding programs in Michigan and how students can build a successful application for graduate school in the field of school psychology.


      No SCECHs are available for this session. 


      Jana Aupperlee

      Jana is a Nationally Certified School Psychologist, a Licensed Psychologist in Michigan, and a Health Service Psychologist. She is Coordinator of the EdS Program in School Psychology at Michigan State University and the Training Co-Director of the Mid-Michigan Psychology Internship Consortium. She teaches a variety of school and practice-based courses and collaborates with local school psychologists in the supervision of practicum students.

      Tracy Hobbs

      Tracy is starting his 44th year as a school psychology practitioner. He earned his undergraduate degree at Eastern Michigan University, his graduate degree from Eastern Illinois University, and following his internship in Urbana, Illinois, returned to Michigan where he spent the first 30 years of his career with the Lake Orion Community Schools. Following his retirement in 2010, Tracy returned to the workforce the following year to provide long-term substitute coverage for a school psychologist on maternity leave and has continued to provide these services, in a variety of settings across the state, since that time. He is currently providing long-term school psychology substitute services for Northwest Education Services in Traverse City. Tracy serves as MASP’s Membership Chair as well as the Region 2 Alternate Director and previously served as MASP President. Tracy has also held several leadership positions within NASP (National Association of School Psychologists) including 6 years as a Strategic Liaison and member of the NASP Board of Directors.

      Michele Millhouse

      Michele has worked as a school psychologist for seventeen years in the urban, suburban, and rural setting across all grade levels in two states (Michigan and Pennsylvania). Michele earned an Ed.S. from Lehigh University and a B.S. in Special Education from Kent State University. In addition to her work as a school psychologist, Michele has served as the MASP School Psychologist Shortage Committee Chair and has held the position of Region 13 Directors for the past two years. Michele has participated in committees through the Michigan Department of Education related to supporting parents of children with special needs, diversity/equity in education, and mental health services during COVID-19. Further, Michele participated in the creation of the Michigan Department of Education Return to School Mental Health Toolkit to support educators, students, and parents during COVID-19. She also has served as a member of the School Based Mental Health Committee. This organization consists of board members from the Michigan School Counselor Association, the Michigan Association of School Psychologists, and the Michigan Association of School Social Workers. As a board member of MASP Michele has assisted lawmakers in Michigan in legislation related to suicide prevention, threat assessment and the provision/expansion of mental health support in our state.

      • 10/27/2023
      • 10:00 AM
      • 10/27/2024
      • Link to the recording will be emailed after registration
      • 454

      Previously Recorded

      Stay Current: Legal & Policy Issues Pertaining to

      LGBTQ+ Students and School Staff

      Jay Kaplan

      Live-streaming October 27th, 2023 10:00 a.m.- 11:00 a.m.

      Only $10 for members and $20 for non-members


      This hour long session will provide an overview of current law governing LGBTQ students (civil rights laws and legal protections). It will address issues directly impacting LGBTQ students, which include: use of chosen names and pronouns, parental notification policies, and privacy rights of LGBTQ+ students. Time will be dedicated to discussing book banning and addressing harassment and bullying of LGBTQ+ students. The role that GSAs play in providing a safe and supportive learning environment will be covered, in addition to supportive symbols, including the rainbow pride flags. 


        Jay Kaplan has been the staff attorney for the ACLU of Michigan’s LGBTQ+ Project since its founding in 2001.

        He has worked on cases including challenging undercover sting operations targeting gay men, fighting Michigan’s constitutional amendment prohibiting same-sex couples from marrying, defending the validity of second parent adoptions granted in Michigan, and recently advocating for a transgender high school student to be able to run for prom court. Jay was honored with the 2006 Unsung Hero Award from the Michigan State Bar and the 2010 Virginia Uribe Civil Rights Award from the National Education Association (NEA).

        Continuing Education Credit:

        Participants may earn 1.0 SCECH for attending the live event and completing the appropriate SCECH's survey within two weeks.  A link to a recorded version will be provided to all registered guests.  You may register and receive a link to the recording up to one year after the live event. Please note, the recording will not be available until two weeks after the event.  As a result, participants can not earn SCECH's for viewing the recorded version.  

        Refund Policy:

        Refunds will not be made routinely. 

        Disputed Charges Policy:

        Should an individual dispute charges, particularly due to not recognizing the MASP charge on their credit/debit card, the card holder will be responsible for providing a Letter of Acceptance so that MASP may respond to the chargeback claim. The card holder will be assessed a fee of $25, regardless of the outcome of the chargeback, for having to reverse process the money to the card issuing bank. 

        Contact the MASP Conference Chair at with any questions or concerns regarding this event.

        • 12/12/2023
        • 10:00 AM
        • 12/12/2024
        • Link to the recording will be emailed after registration
        • 452

        Previously Recorded:

        Understanding and Responding to Adolescents’ Online Sexual Experiences

        Megan Maas, PhD

        Live-streaming December 12th, 2023 10:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.

        Only $10 for members and $20 for non-members


        Pornography has never been more accessible to adolescents as it is now, and mainstream media has never been more sexualized. Educators, parents, and practitioners often don’t know how to address this new reality with adolescents. This webinar teaches you everything you need to know about internet pornography use, social media, and sexting during adolescence: From market research on the industry, to how pornography affects the brain, to how and why adolescents are sexting. Finally, we will discuss why marginalized adolescents are more vulnerable to maladaptive outcomes from online sexual experiences. 

        Participants will leave this session with confidence to 

        (1) help teens develop competencies to navigate these digital spaces; 

        (2) identify specific acts of online sexual misconduct that require action from school staff, and 

        (3) respond with protective policies and procedures that support victims and provide appropriate disciplinary action for perpetrators.  


        Megan Maas, PhD, is an internationally recognized expert in media and sexual behavior. 

        Currently, she is an assistant professor in Human Development & Family Studies at Michigan State University. Her award-winning research, recognized by the American Psychological Association, focuses on adolescent sexual development. Specifically, she investigates how experiences of social media, sexting, and online pornography play a bi-directional role in the development of attitudes and behavior related to sexuality and gender. 

        She received her PhD from The Pennsylvania State University as a pre-doctoral fellow funded by the National Institutes of Health. Born and raised in California, Megan earned her bachelor’s degree in Psychology from California State University, Sacramento. She also holds a master’s degree in Human Development & Family Studies from Penn State.

        ​Before pursuing an academic career, Megan worked on film sets in Los Angeles where she developed her passion for storytelling. After gravitating toward education, she worked as a health educator and developed a popular lecture series which integrated peer-reviewed information on pornography use into sexual health behavior for lectures for college students, parents, and mental health professionals. Since then, Megan has served as a facilitator, workshop leader, and speaker on issues revolving around adolescent sexuality, sexualization, pornography use, sexual socialization, pornography use in romantic relationships, and parent-child communication about sexuality at universities and organizations across the country.

        In addition to publishing her research in academic journals, she also publishes her work in mass media outlets such as HuffPost, CNN, and Salon. She also continues her passion for storytelling by translating science to general audiences in documentary films, podcasts, and television interviews. 


        Participants may earn 2.0 SCECHs for attending the live event and completing the appropriate SCECH's survey within two weeks.  A link to a recorded version will be provided to all registered guests.  You may register and receive a link to the recording up to one year after the live event. Please note, the recording will not be available until two weeks after the event.  As a result, participants can not earn SCECH's for viewing the recorded version.  

        Refund Policy:

        Refunds will not be made routinely. 

        Disputed Charges Policy:

        Should an individual dispute charges, particularly due to not recognizing the MASP charge on their credit/debit card, the card holder will be responsible for providing a Letter of Acceptance so that MASP may respond to the chargeback claim. The card holder will be assessed a fee of $25, regardless of the outcome of the chargeback, for having to reverse process the money to the card issuing bank. 

        Contact the MASP Conference Chair at with any questions or concerns regarding this event.

        • 01/18/2024
        • 7:00 PM
        • 01/18/2025
        • 8:30 PM
        • Zoom recording sent upon registration
        • 413

        Previously Recorded:

        Advocating for a Comprehensive School Psychology Role

        Live-streaming January 18th, 2024  7:00-8:30 pm

        Free for all registrants 


         “You can't always get what you want but if you try sometime, you'll find you get what you need.”  These lyrics from the classic 1969 Rolling Stone song provide the theme for our webinar which will provide participants with tools and resources to advocate for a comprehensive school psychology role.  Our goal is to give graduate students and early career practitioners information which they can use when seeking internships or jobs that fulfill the promise of training which has prepared them to function in a comprehensive role tapping into a wide range of skills and competencies.

        Advancing the comprehensive role of school psychologists, as defined by the NASP Practice Model, is essential to ensuring that all students have access to the full range of school psychological services they need to be successful. The NASP Practice Model delineates what services can reasonably be expected from school psychologists across 10 domains of practice and the general framework within which services should be provided.

        When districts adopt the NASP Practice Model, it enables school psychologists to practice within a comprehensive role and greatly improves schools' capacity to meet the learning, social-emotional, and mental and behavioral health needs of students. There is growing recognition across the country of the need for more school psychologists, largely related to mental health, safety, and crisis. In reality, school psychologists' actual roles differ significantly from state to state and even between districts within states with some school psychologists serving exclusively in a special education assessment role, while others provide comprehensive academic, behavioral, and mental health services as well as work at the systems level to create safe, supportive learning environments for all students.


        • Participants will identify important aspects of a comprehensive school psychology role
        • Participants will identify resources to utilize when advocating for a comprehensive school psychology role
        • Participants will create a personal action plan to use when advocating for a comprehensive school psychology role



              Tracy Hobbs

              Jana Aupperlee


              NASP Practice Model Committee Representative

              Tyler Kitson

              Student Panelists

              Lindsay Pennala

              James Kessel

              Practitioner Panelists

              Sara Wendell

              Charlene Mangi

              Kate Numbers


        Jana Aupperlee

        Jana is a Nationally Certified School Psychologist, a Licensed Psychologist in Michigan, and a Health Service Psychologist. She is Coordinator of the EdS Program in School Psychology at Michigan State University and the Training Co-Director of the Mid-Michigan Psychology Internship Consortium. She teaches a variety of school and practice-based courses and collaborates with local school psychologists in the supervision of practicum students.

        Tracy Hobbs

        Tracy is starting his 44th year as a school psychology practitioner.  Following his retirement in 2010, Tracy returned to the workforce the following year to provide long-term substitute coverage for a school psychologist on maternity leave and has continued to provide these services, in a variety of settings across the state, since that time. He is currently providing long-term school psychology substitute services for Northwest Education Services in Traverse City. Tracy serves as MASP’s Membership Chair as well as the Region 2 Alternate Director and previously served as MASP President. Tracy has also held several leadership positions within NASP (National Association of School Psychologists) including 6 years as a Strategic Liaison and member of the NASP Board of Directors.

        James Kessel
        James has a Master’s degree in school psychology from Michigan State University where he is working towards an Educational Specialist degree. He holds a Preliminary School Psychologist Certificate and is completing his internship at Grandville Public Schools outside of Grand Rapids. Last year he served as the president of the MSU chapter of SASP and is currently a student member of NASP as well as MASP, where he “micro-volunteers” by helping with website updates.

        Lindsay Pennala

        Lindsay has a Master’s degree in school psychology from Michigan State University and is currently working toward her Educational Specialist degree. She currently holds a Preliminary School Psychologist Certificate and is with Caledonia Community Schools for her internship this year. Lindsay is a student member of NASP and MASP. She serves on MSU’s DEI committee to promote equity and inclusion within the program and last year, held the position of treasurer in MSU’s SASP chapter.

        Charlene Mangi

        Charlene Mangi is a nationally certified school psychologist and works in Ann Arbor Public Schools, where she is the Lead School Psychologist and psychologist at two elementary schools. She is the Region 9 director for MASP as well as the co-chair for the scholarship subcommittee and the legislative action committee.

        Tyler Kitson

        Tyler Kitson is a School Psychologist in the Olathe Public Schools in Kansas and is a Nationally Certified School Psychologist (NCSP). He has served as a member of the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) Practice Model Committee since 2015 and currently serves as the Chair of the committee. He additionally serves as the Northeast Region representative on the Kansas Association of School Psychologists (KASP) board and has served on the board since 2017. In his school district, which recently received the Proficient designation as part of the NASP Excellence in School Psychological Services (ESPS) Recognition Program, he is a part of the school psychologist strategic planning committee, which strives to align the role of the school psychologist with the NASP Practice Model. Tyler was awarded the 2020 and 2022 NASP Presidential Awards in recognition of exceptional service to children and school psychology. He has also presented at the state and national level to further the profession of school psychology.

        Kate Numbers

        Kate Numbers is a School Psychologist with Cedar Springs Public Schools, where she serves 8th-12th grade. She was trained at Michigan State University and completed her internship, and early years of practice, in Iowa with Heartland AEA. While at Heartland, Kate gained experience evaluating students using functional assessment practices, without the use of cognitive/achievement standardized assessments. Currently, she provides direct school psychologist services to a caseload of students, in addition to completing more traditional evaluations.

        Sara Wendell

        Sara Wendell is a Nationally Certified School Psychologist in the Eastern Lancaster County School District in Central Pennsylvania. Sara graduated from Lehigh University in May of 2023, where she extensively researched and gained practical experience in Social Emotional Learning programming and the Response to Intervention (RTI) Model for SLD. Sara serves a K-6 Elementary School and is a member of the district’s leadership, MTSS, and PBIS committees. Currently, she is actively working to restructure the district’s vision for Social Emotional Learning as well as the state approved RTI Plan. She is a co-editor for the PA state association’s (ASPP) quarterly InSight publication, and is a member of the Digital Media and Communication committees. Sara has presented at the state and national level, advocating for the use of data-based decision making and MTSS, as well as a more comprehensive role for practitioners. 


        Attendees can earn up to 1.5 SCECHs for attending the live event and completing the appropriate SCECH's survey within two weeks. 

        A link to a recorded version will be provided to all registered guests.  You may register and receive a link to the recording up to one year after the live event. Please note, the recording will not be available until two weeks after the event.  As a result, participants can not earn SCECH's for viewing the recorded version.  

        Refund Policy:

        Refunds will not be made routinely. 

        Disputed Charges Policy:

        Should an individual dispute charges, particularly due to not recognizing the MASP charge on their credit/debit card, the card holder will be responsible for providing a Letter of Acceptance so that MASP may respond to the chargeback claim. The card holder will be assessed a fee of $25, regardless of the outcome of the chargeback, for having to reverse process the money to the card issuing bank. 

        Contact the MASP Conference Chair at with any questions or concerns regarding this event.

        • 10/28/2024
        • 8:00 AM
        • 10/29/2024
        • 4:00 PM
        • Four Point by Sheraton, Novi, MI
        • 81

        MASP Annual Fall Conference

        This is an in-person event only. 

        October 28 & 29, 2024

        8:00am - 4:00pm

        Four Point by Sheraton

        Novi, MI


        Registration is now open! 

        See Conference brochure here: 2024 Brochure.pdf


        Monday Morning Keynote:

        Catalysts in Action! with Dr. Peter Faustino, NASP President

        Autism Actions: Understanding & Supporting Neurodiverse Students

        Monday Afternoon Breakouts:

        TRAILS CBT and Mindfulness for Mental Health Professionals

        Beyond the Surface: Differential Diagnosis of ADHD and Autism

        Tuesday Morning Keynote:

        Michigan Dyslexia Handbook: A Guide to Accelerating Learning Outcomes in Literacy

        Tuesday Afternoon Breakouts:

        Prevent 2 Protect: The Adolescent Targeted Violence Prevention Project

        Are you PREPaRED?  Tips and Steps for effective Crisis Response

        Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines: Overview and School Psychologists’ Role

        Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction: Embodying The Practice

        Everyone is an Asset Builder  (Vendor)

        From Chaos to Calm: Classroom Management Strategies for Better Student Achievement and a Peaceful Environment

        Promoting Mindfulness in Schools: A Holistic Approach to Student Wellbeing

        Whose Journey Is It Anyway?  One Student - Different Perspectives  (Vendor)

        Role of School Psychologist within Preschool Setting

        Making a Successful Transition from College to Career: Preparation for Graduate Students

        Session handouts will be posted as they are received, but no later than Sunday 10/20.

        Vendor Pre-Order Discount:

        15% discount + free shipping for pre-orders, delivered to the conference!  Expires: October 22, 2024. 

        Code: MASPFALL2024 

        Hotel Information:

        In order to receive the group guest rate of $119/night under the MASP block, reservations must be made prior to 10/07/2024. Reservations can be made by calling the Reservations Department at 248-348-5000 or using the link embedded HERE. *Please be sure to indicate your exact dates of stay; otherwise, the system will say error/no rooms available.

        Four Points by Sheraton Detroit Novi

        27000 South Karevich Dr

        Novi, MI 48377

        Continuing Education Credits:

        This conference is approved for up to 12 SCECHs from the Michigan Department of Education.  Up to 12 NASP CPD's are also available.  Please follow the attached directions and complete the Google Form within 30 days in order to apply for SCECHs/CPDs.  All Google Forms must be submitted by 5pm on November 29th in order to award SCECHs/CPDs. 

        Refund Policy:

        Refunds will not be made routinely. All refunds are subject to an administration fee of $30.00. Requests for a refund must be made by email or in writing and postmarked no later than 10/21/2024. Although we process refunds quickly, please allow 6 weeks for credit cards to issue refund.

        Disputed Charges Policy:

        Should an individual dispute charges, particularly due to not recognizing the MASP charge on their credit/debit card, the card holder will be responsible for providing a Letter of Acceptance so that MASP may respond to the chargeback claim. The card holder will be assessed a fee of $25, regardless of the outcome of the chargeback, for having to reverse process the money to the card issuing bank. 

        Contact the MASP Conference Chair at with any questions or concerns regarding this event. 

        • 10/28/2024
        • 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
        • Beerhead Bar & Eatery
        • 86

        Oktoberfest Happy Hour Fundraiser

        Fundraiser event benefiting the MASP Minority Scholarship Program 

        Monday, October 28th at the Beerhead Bar & Eatery

        Fundraising 5:00 PM  -  7:00 PM

        We'll have some amazing silent auction and raffle prizes, and Beerhead will be donating proceeds from two of their beers AND 10% of all food to the minority scholarship!

        Each ticket will come with 5 raffle tickets, with additional tickets available for $1 each or $20/arm.

        In addition to some fantastic raffle prizes, we'll have some wonderful silent auction items (which you can start bidding on during the conference!). Check out the event on facebook to see previews of our raffle and silent auction items. 

        Last year, MASP established a Scholarship Program to financially support current graduate students from minoritized and marginalized backgrounds to school psychology, in order to encourage and support a diverse workforce of Michigan school psychologists that more closely matches the student demographics in Michigan.

        Eligibility and Application information are available on the Scholarship webpage. The program intends to award annual scholarships to $1,000 to selected scholars, as funds are available to do so. This year's recipient will receive her scholarship during the lunch presentation at the Annual Fall Conference. 

        The second annual fundraising event will be a Happy Hour, to be held on Monday, October 28th at the Beerhead Bar & Eatery in Novi. Fundraising efforts will be open from 5:00 - 7:00 PM.  

        Please consider attending this social event to help raise funds for our future scholarship recipients! 

        ***Can't make it to Happy Hour, but want to support the scholarship fund?

        Make a donation here:

        • 12/05/2024
        • 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
        • Zoom
        • 190

        Be SMART: Secure Gun Storage

        Saves Kids' Lives

        December 5, 2024   11:30am-12:30pm

        Live-Stream Only

        Susan M. Koceski, PhD

        This event is free to MASP Members and Nonmembers.

        Registration is open to all. 


        Be SMART is a national nonprofit educational campaign designed specifically for adults to emphasize the lifesaving importance of secure firearm storage to protect children, teens, and at-risk individuals from unauthorized access to guns, resulting in suicide, unintentional death, injury, and trauma. Be SMART provides simple steps for adults, gun owners and non-gun owners alike, on ways to mitigate gun violence. We encourage adults to follow these 5 steps to help protect children:

        S -  Secure guns in your homes and vehicles

        M - Model responsible behavior around guns

        A - Ask about unsecured guns in other homes

        R - Recognize the role of guns in suicide

        T - Tell your peers to Be SMART

        Website for more information:


        No SCECHs will be offered for this session.


        Susan M. Koceski, Ph.D. is a school psychologist, MASP Region #7 Director (Oakland County), PREPaRE Trainer and a Be SMART volunteer.  She will be offering information on the Be SMART program so that you can advocate for secure firearm storage in your area. 
        • 12/12/2024
        • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
        • Zoom
        • 188

        School-Based Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management:

        Why School Psychologists Must Be At The Table

        Live-streaming December 12th, 2024 10:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.

        Dr. Melissa Reeves 

        Early Bird $10 for members and $20 for non-members

        Standard Rate $20 for members, $30 for non-members


        The Michigan State Police – Office of School Safety has been engaged in a state-wide initiative to establish high quality threat assessment teams in each school/district. Recent acts of violence have brought attention to the need for evidence-informed approaches to school-based behavioral threat assessment and management (BTAM). School psychologists have the greatest amount of expertise to serve on and be leaders of multidisciplinary BTAM teams. We must be at the table, but oftentimes we are not! This presentation will overview the critical components to establishing a high quality BTAM team, review current research, and specifically discuss the role of school psychologists on BTAM teams. Thus, the purpose of this session is to:

        1.    Increase participant awareness of a school-based behavioral threat assessment and management process, how it fits within a comprehensive approach of school safety, and recent concerns/taking points about BTAM;

        2.    Enhance participant knowledge of BTAM process as advocated for by the MSP Office of School Safety.

        3.    Augment participant school-based BTAM skills; and

        4.    Provide resources for continued learning and that can be applied in practice.


        Dr. Melissa Reeves, Ph.D., NCSP, LPC is a nationally certified school psychologist, licensed special education teacher, licensed professional counselor, and former district coordinator of social/emotional/behavioral services.  She is past president of the National Association of School Psychologists (2016-17), most recently was an Associate Professor at Winthrop University, and previously worked for the Cherry Creek School District in Colorado. Dr. Reeves has over 20 years experience working in public schools and a private school, in addition to providing mental health services in day and residential treatment settings. She taught both undergraduate and graduate psychology courses for Winthrop, in addition to supervising graduate school psychology students in their field-based traineeship and internship placements. She also served on the university’s Critical Incident Management Team and the College of Arts and Science COVID-19 Recovery committee.

        Dr. Reeves is a senior consultant and trainer with Sigma Threat Management Associates, an ONTIC company. SIGM/ONTIC is engaged in helping state departments of education and school districts across the country establish threat assessment procedures and teams, in addition to actively working threat assessment cases. Dr. Reeves is also the lead author of the South Carolina Department of Education School-Based Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management Best Practice Guidelines for South Carolina K-12 Schools and a threat assessment & mental health specialist and senior advisor and speaker for Safe and Sound Schools, an organization founded by two parents who lost their children in the Sandy Hook tragedy. Dr. Reeves has also served as an expert witness in court cases involving targeted school attacks and threat and suicide risk assessments.

        Dr. Reeves is co-author of the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) PREPaRE School Crisis Prevention and Intervention curriculum, the first nationally disseminated school crisis prevention and intervention curriculum; and current member and former Chair of the NASP National School Safety and Crisis Response Committee which provides consultation and support to school districts across the country after large scale crisis events including school shootings and natural disasters. She was a founding member of the Colorado Society of School Psychologists State-Wide Crisis Response Team, which trained school districts across Colorado in crisis response and was also a crisis responder to support students after Columbine. In addition to responding to various crises over the years, she travels both nationally and internationally training professionals in the areas of crisis prevention and intervention, threat and suicide assessment, the impact of trauma and PTSD on academic achievement, and cognitive behavior therapy in the school setting. She has conducted more than 300 workshops and presentations and works with schools on establishing a positive and safe school climate that focuses on prevention programs and positive discipline measures to decrease behavioral incidences while increasing academic achievement.  She has also provided consultation and staff development training to United States Department of Defense Educational Activity Schools located on military installations.

        Dr. Reeves has authored six books: School Crisis Prevention and Intervention: The PREPaRE Model (original and 2nd Edition); Trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences; Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management for K-12 Schools; Identifying, Assessing, and Treating PTSD at School; and Comprehensive Planning for Safe Learning Environments: A School Professional’s Guide to Integrating Physical and Psychological Safety: Prevention through Recovery. She has contributed multiple articles to the Communiqué, the nationally disseminated publication for the National Association of School Psychologists and has co-authored numerous book chapters and journal articles. In addition, she has testified in front of the U.S. Senate Ad Hoc Subcommittee for Disaster and Recovery regarding “Children and Disasters: A Progress Report on Addressing Needs.”  As NASP President, Dr. Reeves appointed the NASP Social Justice Task Force, and two additional task forces to study distance education and virtual delivery of school psychology services.

        Dr. Reeves has been awarded the National Association of School Psychologists Presidential Award in 2006, 2012, and 2018 and the NASP Crisis Interest Group Award for Excellence in 2007 and 2011. She was a 2007 national finalist for the Joseph E. Zins “Purpose” Award for Early Career Practitioners in Social Emotional Learning; in 2006 awarded Golden Heart Award, presented by Cherry Creek School District Parent Special Education Advisory Council; and received the University of Denver, College of Education Leadership in Learning Alumni Award in 2006.  She has received numerous other awards throughout her career in addition to serving elected terms on the NASP Board of Directors as a NASP Delegate, Regional Representative, and NASP President. She is also member of the American Psychological Association, South Carolina Association of School Psychologists, North Carolina School Psychologists Association, and Association of Threat Assessment Professionals (ATAP).


        Participants may earn 2.0 SCECHs for attending the live event and completing the appropriate SCECH's survey within two weeks.  A link to a recorded version will be provided to all registered guests.  You may register and receive a link to the recording up to one year after the live event. Please note, the recording will not be available until two weeks after the event.  As a result, participants can not earn SCECH's for viewing the recorded version.  

        Refund Policy:

        Refunds will not be made routinely. 

        Disputed Charges Policy:

        Should an individual dispute charges, particularly due to not recognizing the MASP charge on their credit/debit card, the card holder will be responsible for providing a Letter of Acceptance so that MASP may respond to the chargeback claim. The card holder will be assessed a fee of $25, regardless of the outcome of the chargeback, for having to reverse process the money to the card issuing bank. 

        Contact the MASP Conference Chair at with any questions or concerns regarding this event.

      Past Events

      04/26/2024 Be SMART: Secure Gun Storage Saves Kids' Lives
      03/15/2024 2024 Spring Conference
      01/24/2024 Updates Related to SMART/Decreasing the Shortage of School Psychologists Through the Grow Your Own Initiative
      01/22/2024 MASP Town Hall
      12/08/2023 Be SMART: Secure Gun Storage Saves Kids' Lives
      11/13/2023 Trivia Night!
      11/13/2023 MASP 2023 Fall Conference
      08/09/2023 PREPaRE Workshop 1, Training of Trainers (ToT) 3rd Ed
      08/07/2023 PREPaRE Workshop 2, Training of Trainers (ToT) 3rd Ed
      05/11/2023 Previously Recorded: Overview of the Michigan Dyslexia Handbook
      05/03/2023 Be SMART: Secure Gun Storage Saves Kids' Lives
      03/17/2023 2023 Spring Conference
      01/10/2023 Previously Recorded: Reimagining School Psychologists as Healers
      11/07/2022 PREPaRE Workshop 1, Training of Trainers (ToT) 3rd Ed
      10/20/2022 MASP 2022 Fall Conference
      10/10/2022 Previously Recorded: Decreasing the Shortage of School Psychologists Through the SMART/Grow Your Own Program
      09/30/2022 Previously Recorded: “They Said What?!”: Responding to Students’ Questions about Racial Differences to Facilitate Racial Dialogue in the Classroom
      08/03/2022 PREPaRE Workshop 2, Training of Trainers (ToT) 3rd Ed
      05/26/2022 Previously Recorded: Culturally Adapted-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CA-CBT) with LGBTQ+ youth
      04/11/2022 Previously Recorded: How to Support Student Success When Walking On Eggshells: A Brief Look at Trauma-Informed Best Practices in a School Setting
      01/14/2022 Previously Recorded: School-Based Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management: Best Practices and Resources
      01/11/2022 Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction: Power of the Practice
      12/16/2021 Previously Recorded: Smart but Scattered: Improving Executive Skills to Promote School Success
      11/08/2021 Previously Recorded: School Psychologists as Systems Change Leaders
      10/19/2021 Previously Recorded- Ethics for School Psychologists: Challenges and Opportunities
      09/30/2021 Previously Recorded: Strategies for Successful Internship Supervision
      05/17/2021 Previously Recorded: Best Practices for School Psychologists in Meeting the Needs of LGBTQ+ Youth
      05/14/2021 Best Practices for School Psychologists in Meeting the Needs of LGBTQ+ Youth
      04/27/2021 Decreasing the Shortage of School Psychologists Through the Grow Your Own Program
      04/19/2021 Previously recorded: Improving School Psychological Service Delivery Using the NASP Practice Model
      04/15/2021 Improving School Psychological Service Delivery Using the NASP Practice Model
      04/03/2021 2nd offering...Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)
      02/23/2021 NASP 2021 Virtual Convention for SCECHs
      02/18/2021 Dismantling the School-to-Prison-Pipeline
      01/08/2021 Making a Successful Transition from College to Career: Preparation for Graduate Students
      01/08/2021 Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)
      12/21/2020 Previously Recorded Webinar: Advancing Equity through Social Justice Practices
      12/17/2020 Inaugural MASP Social Justice and Multicultural Ethics Town Hall
      12/16/2020 Advancing Equity through Social Justice Practices
      09/18/2020 Conducting School-Based Evaluations for Special Education Eligibility
      09/01/2020 Previously Recorded Webinar: A New Normal - SEL Considerations for Reopening Schools
      08/25/2020 Webinar: A New Normal - SEL Considerations for Reopening Schools
      08/19/2020 MASP Virtual Town Hall 2
      08/18/2020 MASP Virtual Town Hall 1
      11/07/2019 2019 Fall Conference
      08/06/2019 2019 PREPaRE Workshop 2
      08/05/2019 2019 PREPaRE Workshop 1
      03/15/2019 2019 Spring Conference
      11/08/2018 2018 Fall Conference
      06/21/2018 2018 PREPaRE Workshop 2
      06/20/2018 2018 PREPaRE Workshop 1
      03/16/2018 2018 Spring Conference
      11/09/2017 2017 Fall Conference
      03/17/2017 2017 Spring Conference
      07/13/2016 MASP Board Summer Retreat
      03/18/2016 2016 Spring Conference
      10/26/2015 2015 Annual Fall Conference
      03/20/2015 2015 Critical Issues Conference
      10/26/2014 2014 Annual Fall Conference
      09/10/2014 MASP Board Meeting
      08/18/2014 MASP Summer Board Meeting
      05/14/2014 MASP Board Meeting

      Any questions or concerns regarding webinars and conference events can be addressed to Hannah Barraw, MASP Conference Chair, at 

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