Updates Related to SMART/Decreasing the Shortage of School Psychologists Through the Grow Your Own Initiative
Live-streaming January 24th, 2024 2:00 p.m.- 3:00 p.m.
Presenters: Jana Aupperlee & Michele Millhouse
After the passage of the Student Mental Health Apprenticeship Retention and Training (SMART) Bill in July of 2023,(State School Aid Fund 31ff) 15 million dollars has been allocated by the state of Michigan for the SMART program. The SMART initiative provides paid practicum experiences for 1st and 2nd year graduate students in school psychology. This program helps decrease the shortage of school-based mental health professionals in Michigan by providing graduate students with funding and work-based experiences.
The MASP webinar will provide participants with information regarding how schools can set up a SMART/“Grow Your Own” initiative that follows the NASP Practice Model to improve K-12 students’ academic skills and mental health outcomes. Information will be provided regarding funding (31ff, 31aa) that districts/ISDs can utilize to pay 1st and 2nd year school psychology graduate students. Input will also be provided on the SMART application process. The webinar will give information regarding how to support graduate students in their training while participating in their paid practicum experiences. The webinar will discuss how the SMART/Grow Your Own initiative can be used to decrease the shortage of School Psychologists and improve school psychology services within your organization. Although this webinar will focus on how to utilize SMART for School Psychologists, this initiative can also be used to assist in recruiting and retaining other mental health professionals, such as School Counselors and School Social Workers.
Jana Aupperlee
Jana is a Nationally Certified School Psychologist, a Licensed Psychologist in Michigan, and a Health Service Psychologist. She is Coordinator of the EdS Program in School Psychology at Michigan State University and the Training Co-Director of the Mid-Michigan Psychology Internship Consortium. As a Michigan Association of School Psychologists board member, she is the University Liaison and serves on the MASP School Psychologist Shortage committee. She teaches a variety of school and practice-based courses and collaborates with local school psychologists in the supervision of practicum students.
Michele Millhouse
Michele has worked as a school psychologist for seventeen years in the urban, suburban, and rural setting across all grade levels in two states (Michigan and Pennsylvania). Michele earned an Ed.S. from Lehigh University and a B.S. in Special Education from Kent State University. In addition to her work as a school psychologist, Michele has served as the MASP School Psychologist Shortage Committee Chair and has held the position of Region 13 Directors for the past two years. Michele has participated in committees through the Michigan Department of Education related to supporting parents of children with special needs, diversity/equity in education, and mental health services during COVID-19. Further, Michele participated in the creation of the Michigan Department of Education Return to School Mental Health Toolkit to support educators, students, and parents during COVID-19. She also has served as a member of the School Based Mental Health Committee. This organization consists of board members from the Michigan School Counselor Association, the Michigan Association of School Psychologists, and the Michigan Association of School Social Workers. As a board member of MASP Michele has assisted lawmakers in Michigan in legislation related to suicide prevention, threat assessment and the provision/expansion of mental health support in our state.
This session is approved for 1.0 SCECH/CPD for attending the live event and completing the appropriate SCECH's survey within two weeks.
Contact the MASP Conference Chair at Hannah.Barraw@gmail.com with any questions or concerns regarding this event.