Previously Recorded: Advocating for a Comprehensive School Psychology Role

  • 01/18/2024
  • 7:00 PM
  • 01/18/2025
  • 8:30 PM
  • Zoom recording sent upon registration
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Previously Recorded:

Advocating for a Comprehensive School Psychology Role

Live-streaming January 18th, 2024  7:00-8:30 pm

Free for all registrants 


 “You can't always get what you want but if you try sometime, you'll find you get what you need.”  These lyrics from the classic 1969 Rolling Stone song provide the theme for our webinar which will provide participants with tools and resources to advocate for a comprehensive school psychology role.  Our goal is to give graduate students and early career practitioners information which they can use when seeking internships or jobs that fulfill the promise of training which has prepared them to function in a comprehensive role tapping into a wide range of skills and competencies.

Advancing the comprehensive role of school psychologists, as defined by the NASP Practice Model, is essential to ensuring that all students have access to the full range of school psychological services they need to be successful. The NASP Practice Model delineates what services can reasonably be expected from school psychologists across 10 domains of practice and the general framework within which services should be provided.

When districts adopt the NASP Practice Model, it enables school psychologists to practice within a comprehensive role and greatly improves schools' capacity to meet the learning, social-emotional, and mental and behavioral health needs of students. There is growing recognition across the country of the need for more school psychologists, largely related to mental health, safety, and crisis. In reality, school psychologists' actual roles differ significantly from state to state and even between districts within states with some school psychologists serving exclusively in a special education assessment role, while others provide comprehensive academic, behavioral, and mental health services as well as work at the systems level to create safe, supportive learning environments for all students.


  • Participants will identify important aspects of a comprehensive school psychology role
  • Participants will identify resources to utilize when advocating for a comprehensive school psychology role
  • Participants will create a personal action plan to use when advocating for a comprehensive school psychology role



      Tracy Hobbs

      Jana Aupperlee


      NASP Practice Model Committee Representative

      Tyler Kitson

      Student Panelists

      Lindsay Pennala

      James Kessel

      Practitioner Panelists

      Sara Wendell

      Charlene Mangi

      Kate Numbers


Jana Aupperlee

Jana is a Nationally Certified School Psychologist, a Licensed Psychologist in Michigan, and a Health Service Psychologist. She is Coordinator of the EdS Program in School Psychology at Michigan State University and the Training Co-Director of the Mid-Michigan Psychology Internship Consortium. She teaches a variety of school and practice-based courses and collaborates with local school psychologists in the supervision of practicum students.

Tracy Hobbs

Tracy is starting his 44th year as a school psychology practitioner.  Following his retirement in 2010, Tracy returned to the workforce the following year to provide long-term substitute coverage for a school psychologist on maternity leave and has continued to provide these services, in a variety of settings across the state, since that time. He is currently providing long-term school psychology substitute services for Northwest Education Services in Traverse City. Tracy serves as MASP’s Membership Chair as well as the Region 2 Alternate Director and previously served as MASP President. Tracy has also held several leadership positions within NASP (National Association of School Psychologists) including 6 years as a Strategic Liaison and member of the NASP Board of Directors.

James Kessel
James has a Master’s degree in school psychology from Michigan State University where he is working towards an Educational Specialist degree. He holds a Preliminary School Psychologist Certificate and is completing his internship at Grandville Public Schools outside of Grand Rapids. Last year he served as the president of the MSU chapter of SASP and is currently a student member of NASP as well as MASP, where he “micro-volunteers” by helping with website updates.

Lindsay Pennala

Lindsay has a Master’s degree in school psychology from Michigan State University and is currently working toward her Educational Specialist degree. She currently holds a Preliminary School Psychologist Certificate and is with Caledonia Community Schools for her internship this year. Lindsay is a student member of NASP and MASP. She serves on MSU’s DEI committee to promote equity and inclusion within the program and last year, held the position of treasurer in MSU’s SASP chapter.

Charlene Mangi

Charlene Mangi is a nationally certified school psychologist and works in Ann Arbor Public Schools, where she is the Lead School Psychologist and psychologist at two elementary schools. She is the Region 9 director for MASP as well as the co-chair for the scholarship subcommittee and the legislative action committee.

Tyler Kitson

Tyler Kitson is a School Psychologist in the Olathe Public Schools in Kansas and is a Nationally Certified School Psychologist (NCSP). He has served as a member of the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) Practice Model Committee since 2015 and currently serves as the Chair of the committee. He additionally serves as the Northeast Region representative on the Kansas Association of School Psychologists (KASP) board and has served on the board since 2017. In his school district, which recently received the Proficient designation as part of the NASP Excellence in School Psychological Services (ESPS) Recognition Program, he is a part of the school psychologist strategic planning committee, which strives to align the role of the school psychologist with the NASP Practice Model. Tyler was awarded the 2020 and 2022 NASP Presidential Awards in recognition of exceptional service to children and school psychology. He has also presented at the state and national level to further the profession of school psychology.

Kate Numbers

Kate Numbers is a School Psychologist with Cedar Springs Public Schools, where she serves 8th-12th grade. She was trained at Michigan State University and completed her internship, and early years of practice, in Iowa with Heartland AEA. While at Heartland, Kate gained experience evaluating students using functional assessment practices, without the use of cognitive/achievement standardized assessments. Currently, she provides direct school psychologist services to a caseload of students, in addition to completing more traditional evaluations.

Sara Wendell

Sara Wendell is a Nationally Certified School Psychologist in the Eastern Lancaster County School District in Central Pennsylvania. Sara graduated from Lehigh University in May of 2023, where she extensively researched and gained practical experience in Social Emotional Learning programming and the Response to Intervention (RTI) Model for SLD. Sara serves a K-6 Elementary School and is a member of the district’s leadership, MTSS, and PBIS committees. Currently, she is actively working to restructure the district’s vision for Social Emotional Learning as well as the state approved RTI Plan. She is a co-editor for the PA state association’s (ASPP) quarterly InSight publication, and is a member of the Digital Media and Communication committees. Sara has presented at the state and national level, advocating for the use of data-based decision making and MTSS, as well as a more comprehensive role for practitioners. 


Attendees can earn up to 1.5 SCECHs for attending the live event and completing the appropriate SCECH's survey within two weeks. 

A link to a recorded version will be provided to all registered guests.  You may register and receive a link to the recording up to one year after the live event. Please note, the recording will not be available until two weeks after the event.  As a result, participants can not earn SCECH's for viewing the recorded version.  

Refund Policy:

Refunds will not be made routinely. 

Disputed Charges Policy:

Should an individual dispute charges, particularly due to not recognizing the MASP charge on their credit/debit card, the card holder will be responsible for providing a Letter of Acceptance so that MASP may respond to the chargeback claim. The card holder will be assessed a fee of $25, regardless of the outcome of the chargeback, for having to reverse process the money to the card issuing bank. 

Contact the MASP Conference Chair at with any questions or concerns regarding this event.

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