Be SMART: Secure Gun Storage Saves Kids' Lives

  • 12/05/2024
  • 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Zoom
  • 174


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Be SMART: Secure Gun Storage

Saves Kids' Lives

December 5, 2024   11:30am-12:30pm

Live-Stream Only

Susan M. Koceski, PhD

This event is free to MASP Members and Nonmembers.

Registration is open to all. 


Be SMART is a national nonprofit educational campaign designed specifically for adults to emphasize the lifesaving importance of secure firearm storage to protect children, teens, and at-risk individuals from unauthorized access to guns, resulting in suicide, unintentional death, injury, and trauma. Be SMART provides simple steps for adults, gun owners and non-gun owners alike, on ways to mitigate gun violence. We encourage adults to follow these 5 steps to help protect children:

S -  Secure guns in your homes and vehicles

M - Model responsible behavior around guns

A - Ask about unsecured guns in other homes

R - Recognize the role of guns in suicide

T - Tell your peers to Be SMART

Website for more information:


No SCECHs will be offered for this session.


Susan M. Koceski, Ph.D. is a school psychologist, MASP Region #7 Director (Oakland County), PREPaRE Trainer and a Be SMART volunteer.  She will be offering information on the Be SMART program so that you can advocate for secure firearm storage in your area. 
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