Dear colleague,
My name is Veronica Milito and I am a doctoral candidate in the school psychology doctoral program at St. John’s University. I am writing to ask assistance from members of your organization to participate in my dissertation research study, which focuses on school psychologists’ knowledge of suicide prevention and postvention.
The purpose of this study is to gain a greater understanding of school psychologists’ knowledge of best practices, ethics, and laws for suicide prevention and postvention in schools and the practices school psychologists would implement for a hypothetical case.
Participation in this study will involve completing an online survey in which you would answer true or false questions as well as read two short vignettes and complete a brief questionnaire.
Participants will also be asked to complete a demographic and professional background questionnaire. It is anticipated that participation will take approximately 25-30 minutes.
I am looking to recruit practicing school psychologists who would be interested in taking part in this study. Upon completion, participants will be entered into a raffle for a chance to win one of ten $50 Amazon gift cards.
I would greatly appreciate if you would take the time to forward the attached research invitation to your organization members. I would also be happy to contact them independently, if you are able to provide a list of email addresses. Your assistance with this study will be an asset to the improvement of the school psychologists’ knowledge of suicide best practices.
There is no risk to participation in this study.
Here is the link to the study:
I am happy to review all aspects of participation with you and answer any questions you may have to assist you in making your decision.
If you would like to speak with me, please e-mail me at
Thank you very much for your time and consideration!
Veronica Milito
St. John’s University