The Effectiveness of a Revised Pediatric Neuropsychological Report for School Psychologists
If you are a school psychologist, I invite you to participate in a research study called: “The Effectiveness of a Revised Pediatric Neuropsychological Report for School Psychologists.” I am a graduate student, and this research is being conducted as part of my dissertation. This study has received approval from my university’s IRB.
Purpose: The primary purpose of this research is to examine school psychologist’s perception of pediatric neuropsychological reports to increase effective communication in the future.
Procedures: The following online survey is through Qualtrics. You will be asked to read one fictional pediatric neuropsychological report and provide your opinion of the report via a survey and qualitative comments. No identifiable information will be asked of you besides basic demographic questions. Survey responses will be anonymous. Once complete, the electronic survey will be stored automatically for further review and analysis.
The expected time to complete this survey is about 20-30 minutes. Your participation is entirely voluntary; however, by completing this survey, you agree to participate in this research. You may refuse to answer any question or terminate your participation at any time by exiting out of the survey. You will also not be financially compensated for your participation. If you agree to participate in this research, please use the following link: Upon completing the consent form, you will begin the survey.
Thank you for your time and assistance in this research. If you have any questions regarding this survey, please contact Mary Robinson at
Mary Robinson, M.S., M.A.
Widener University